11 April 2014

What Can We Do To Stem The Tide of Suicides Among Our Young?

Just read on the Grio website that this beautiful young lady decided it was no longer worth it to continue on this journey.  Whatever her struggles , she had a wonderful website  For BrownGirls.com.

Her efforts to counter the rampant colorism consuming us as a society and provide enlightenment and tools to young women with deep brown and ebony hues were sorely needed.  Bountiful blessings to her and I must believe that her soul is at peace.

Karyn Washington's mission statement pretty much says it all: 

Welcome to forbrowngirls.com- an online "inspiration destination". FBG was created to celebrate the beauty of dark skin while combating colorism and promoting self love! FBG was created to celebrate darker shades of brown- to encourage those struggling with accepting having a darker skin complexion to love and embrace the skin they are in. However, women of all shades may take away from FBG the universal and essential message of self love and acceptance.

Karyn Washington ~ Sunset:  April 8, 2014  


As a retired mental health practitioner and advocate for accessible services and outreach especially for our young folks; it grieves me that we are losing them.  Lee Thompson Young  and Erica Kennedy are a few who come to mind as we ponder and regret this most recent known suicide of Karyn Washington. There are many more  known only to family, friends and acquaintances. I will continue to provide links to articles about this issue for right now ....I can truly say that I'm at a loss for words.

'Karyn Washington Death Puts Suicide, Mental Health Back in the Spotlight'  ~ Terrie Williams
Karyn Washington:  'A Reminder to Love Yourself First'


Anonymous said...

I'd read her blog a few times. Good writer. She was inspirational and uplifting. May she rest in peace.

It always leaves one in shock. Specially someone so young and talented!

One will forever wonder if there was something one could have done.

I had that experience with a former neighbor in the fishing village where I lived. He and his wife and kids were like family. Then one evening his wife went to run an errand, and he hung himself! Just up and hung himself. No note, no nothing. His teen son found him! He had recently started his own business and it was going very well. So no one could believe it! The entire barrio is still wondering why he did it. We even thought it was murder for a while there! But no, he hung himself and no one to this day knows why!

Suicide is a horrible thing, and the folks that don't even mention it, those seem to be the ones that carry it through! :(

Carolyn Moon said...

When folks are very depressed many times they don't have the energy or fortitude to harm themselves. The dangerous period in many cases are when things start to improve and the cloud is lifting. They don't realize the suffering their loved ones are left with; somehow thinking that they are a burden to family and friends and that they are doing everyone a favor. Can you imagine the hell his son went through;that image of his Dad for the rest of his life.

So sad, the walking wounded and the masks they hide behind until they decide to take them off and leave us.!!

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