Selected Interviews Feature: 'Trevor Noah and Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie Interviewed'. An example of how we can debate without rancor and disrespect. Humor and points of view worth considering.
Goodreads Review: Race and Reunion: The Civil War in American Memory.
Current Reads: 'White Rage" by Carol Anderson is a well-researched assessment of the dynamics of race in this country & the cyclic flashpoints that threaten white supremacy.
Round Table Opinions/Discussions: Maxine Walters on Jeff Sessions and his history of and current oppressive practices towards people of color.
Featured Website: 'Whispers of a Womanist '. This is a young sister with a sophisticated and progressive take on the dynamics of race, womanism and LGBTQ issues. Topic ~ "Devaluing Race: A Contemporary Obsession".
Blog Roll: 'Indomitable': Chauncey interviews a former FBI Counterintelligence Agent and his assertion that Russian could have infiltrated the White House.
Independents/Cinema Feature: Shadow & Act Recap and Trailer on Whitney"Can I Be Me"
* The Blog Roll and Sites of Interest authors continue to update at varying times, however, the above are those that I've selected for the week. Please let me know what you think of this new approach to highlighting the sidebar. My e-mail address is also on there. Thanks