Mr. Pitts is a columnist for the Miami Herald, author of 'Freeman', 'Before I Forget" and other works as well as a 2004 Pulitzer Prize winner for commentary. He has the capacity, in my opinion, to present a balanced approach to the events of the day. He is respected by many and I found his precursory analysis of the Jordan Davis murder right on point. He makes a clear case that for young black boys...the fact that they exist is the only threat to many in this society. This post features a shared article from Leonard Pitts' column at the Miami Herald.
I'm following this case for although some of the particulars aren't exactly the same as we saw in the Trayvon Martin case; race and "stand your ground laws" are prominent in both.
Leonard Pitts Website
Another case of 'black blindness'? - Leonard Pitts Jr. -
Hello my dear friend Carolyn!I wish you Happiness and Joy… And Blessings for the New Year. I wish you the best of everything… That you so well deserve.
Greetings from Rio de Janeiro/ Brasil
Yes, indeed. I'm watching it too, in anger and through a veil of tears that I'm tired of crying.
I'm hoping and waiting that folks will demand more action from PBO with regards to issues that are plaguing the African American community. He has nothing to lose this time around. More importantly, it would be equitable as other communities have had no problem doing the same.
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