I've started this post with a focus on The Doctors and if you haven't seen this show lately, some of the topics have become quite explicit and at times, nauseating to say the least.
Actually, I believe Dr. Mehmet Oz started all this when he was initially featured on the Oprah Show. His over the top pronouncements and covered trays with a brain, intestines, heart and other internal organs became quite common. His ability to coerce Oprah into promoting his message that Americans need a lifestyle change became so popular that he got his own show . The bottom line is--if we don't want our organs to look like the ones he borrowed from the hospital morgue after autopsies and such; we need to make a change. I believe this is an aversive tactic and it may 'scare us straight' for a moment in time but over the long haul, it's usually ineffective.
In his exuberance, he's revealed way too much about bedroom behavior between spouses and partners and frames it in such a way that certain acts have been deemed okay by the medical establishment. I can't help but wonder about the aftermath when folks stand and ask very personal questions and for some reveal embarrassing quirks or health issues. When the excitement of the event and attention ceases..will the memories and feedback become albatrosses once they return home or to their social/familial/religious venues and places of employment? His show and that of 'The Doctors' compete on how they can become more sensational in their presentations on bedroom behaviors and obesity. The latter I will visit later. There was one particular Dr. Oz Show discussion on anal sex, vaginal noises and odor issues and frankly it was too much information. What happened to the private consultations with your doctor or health professional to address these issues. On some of the shows they will warn adults to remove their children because of content, however, that is about 5-10 seconds and many of us know what it's like to get children out of a room and it certainly doesn't happen within that time frame. This is rather disingenuous--in my opinion, however, ratings rule!
"The Doctors' will discuss the hazards of obesity or being overweight and it's just about every show that one is ridiculed and lambasted for being so. There are willing participants in the audience who will cry and go along with the 'public flagellation', however, I see a disturbing public trend of harassment of overweight folks. It's become acceptable because the medical establishment has declared war on 'obesity' in all its various stages and by doing so has also declared war on their humanity. That I find objectionable. I haven't seen Jillian Michaels of late on their show and I hope she doesn't return. Many viewers believed her comments were obnoxious at times and very hurtful and may work on shows like "The Biggest Loser" but they don't belong in medical forums. Dr. Oz is a co-conspirator and some of the remarks directed at the people on stage is rather stunning and then attempts to put salve on the wound comes off as rather messy. In some therapeutic circles it's labeled the "kick-stroke" approach. You reveal a hurtful fact or behavior that is causing the dysfunction and follow-up with a behavior or characteristic that is life affirming and admirable about that individual.
I trust that this doesn't come off as prudish to some, however, when medicine collides with marketing and ratings--the results aren't always helpful or healthy. What is insidious about some of these programs is that their solutions and helpful information for some of our physical/medical problems aren't always cost efficient or realistic especially for the average American. It doesn't hurt their private practices as well!
Disclaimer: These are my views and my views alone. Most public medical forums can and do serve a purpose, however, some of the presentations and how they are marketed at times can sabotage the best intentions.
There are charts, animations, procedures on human beings and cadaverous body parts presented to really enhanced the importance of the subject matter. Each show has become more sensational and we're learning more than we need or want to know about the staff, three of whom still have private practices.

In his exuberance, he's revealed way too much about bedroom behavior between spouses and partners and frames it in such a way that certain acts have been deemed okay by the medical establishment. I can't help but wonder about the aftermath when folks stand and ask very personal questions and for some reveal embarrassing quirks or health issues. When the excitement of the event and attention ceases..will the memories and feedback become albatrosses once they return home or to their social/familial/religious venues and places of employment? His show and that of 'The Doctors' compete on how they can become more sensational in their presentations on bedroom behaviors and obesity. The latter I will visit later. There was one particular Dr. Oz Show discussion on anal sex, vaginal noises and odor issues and frankly it was too much information. What happened to the private consultations with your doctor or health professional to address these issues. On some of the shows they will warn adults to remove their children because of content, however, that is about 5-10 seconds and many of us know what it's like to get children out of a room and it certainly doesn't happen within that time frame. This is rather disingenuous--in my opinion, however, ratings rule!
"The Doctors' will discuss the hazards of obesity or being overweight and it's just about every show that one is ridiculed and lambasted for being so. There are willing participants in the audience who will cry and go along with the 'public flagellation', however, I see a disturbing public trend of harassment of overweight folks. It's become acceptable because the medical establishment has declared war on 'obesity' in all its various stages and by doing so has also declared war on their humanity. That I find objectionable. I haven't seen Jillian Michaels of late on their show and I hope she doesn't return. Many viewers believed her comments were obnoxious at times and very hurtful and may work on shows like "The Biggest Loser" but they don't belong in medical forums. Dr. Oz is a co-conspirator and some of the remarks directed at the people on stage is rather stunning and then attempts to put salve on the wound comes off as rather messy. In some therapeutic circles it's labeled the "kick-stroke" approach. You reveal a hurtful fact or behavior that is causing the dysfunction and follow-up with a behavior or characteristic that is life affirming and admirable about that individual.
I trust that this doesn't come off as prudish to some, however, when medicine collides with marketing and ratings--the results aren't always helpful or healthy. What is insidious about some of these programs is that their solutions and helpful information for some of our physical/medical problems aren't always cost efficient or realistic especially for the average American. It doesn't hurt their private practices as well!
Disclaimer: These are my views and my views alone. Most public medical forums can and do serve a purpose, however, some of the presentations and how they are marketed at times can sabotage the best intentions.
When Dr Oz first aired, I thought he was the best. His charisma, and the fact that he had many black people participating in the episodes. Then I noticed that he had alot of overweight sisters, and I felt some kind of way.
In addition, he started talking non-stop about the woman's V, and too many of the women would howl like he was Michael Jackson, jumping up and down when he called them down. Ummm, Ma'am?
Then he started talking incessantly about germs, bacteria and bugs that can kill us, and I got tired of him.
The latest is his show on beauty, where at the end, he rigged it to show us low cost ways of beauty - reduce dark circles with witch hazel, do something else using cocoa butter lip balm, and some other thing. I later learned that Walgreens is in the mix with his show.
I then realized that whole segment on cheap beauty fixes was a just commercial for Walgreens. Uggh.
@Anna Renee.."uggh" yep that sums it up for me too!
Hello my friend Carolyn! Thank you for stopping by! I wish a fantastic weekend for you, with very smiles and peace! Greetings from Rio de Janeiro/Brasil!
I can't comment much on this as I gave up watching TV a while ago.
I don't have cable or satellite anymore, but even when I did I only watched (selectively) a documentary or two and some news. I find there's just too much nonsense on there and really not worth wasting my time on. I much prefer the net :)
Greetings Desertflower: I selectively view TV as well, however, there is still some good programming with informative and dramatic shows on the tube. It's surprising that the shows featured are on major networks. Thanks for stopping by and I trust all is well.
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