12 July 2014

'The Road Less Traveled' For Contemplation & Spiritual Renewal

I'm taking time off to do some serious introspection for fear that with all the turmoil and strife we're facing on the domestic front and globally; I may be losing my center. Beyond the 'silver lining' in those dark clouds; how about just the former.  Most people worry about their destiny and what fate holds for them only to realize that "a person often meets his (her) destiny on the road he (she) took to avoid it" ~ J. de la Fontaine. It can be a  painful process when confronting not only your personal issues but having the audacity to comment on the shortcomings of others with very few solutions. Overwhelming....to say the least.

Of late, I've noticed most of my posts have been on the daunting events of the day and not enough commentary on those events or people who bring out the best of humanity.   I plan to return in August with a more balanced view of those issues and daily occurrences one encounters on the road less traveled as well as those with massive traffic jams. Have a wonderful summer and remember we must nourish the spirit as well as the body...that's what I'll be doing.! 

11 July 2014

Justice Denied: Anniversary of the Trayvon Martin Not Guilty Verdict

We Haven't Forgotten You and the 'Murders' of Other Young Victims!

Trayvon Martin: 02/05/1995 ~ 02/26/2012

06 July 2014

Brief Commentary and link to Margaret Kimberley's interview on "The Problem with Bring Back our Girls".

Photo Credit:  AFP
Margaret Kimberley's website, Freedom Rider has a link to an audio and transcript of an interview titled: "The Problem with Bring Back our Girls"  via Anne Garrison @ KPFA.  I understand Ms. Kimberley's ideology about U.S. interventions in the affairs of countries in Africa, however, my concern is more in line with the innocent young ladies who were kidnapped by Boko Haram.  There is footage of the leader, Abubakar Shekau, currently  reported as deceased; cavalierly speaking of selling the girls into slavery and that the Quran supports this practice. There was the slaughter of innocent people in villages that they pillaged and removal of other young women from their homes.   Frankly, I would like to see more of the focus on the atrocities of the Nigerian elite, the Boko Haram and those ideologues who spend too much time defending those who participate in genocidal behaviors towards their own people based on religious and political sentiments.  Whatever, the indirect and direct causes of why people choose to murder and kidnap innocent people; it doesn't deserve our support or rationales.  The end doesn't always justify the means and while we're questioning the intentions of the U.S. on this matter; there should be an outcry and disdain for the behaviors of the Nigerian government and Boko Haram.  I'm sure the mothers of those young ladies want their daughters home by any means necessary.  I tend to agree more with their plight.

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